
Toward a carbon-neutral and climate-resilient economy

How do we foster change?

This initiative will catalyze change at national and global levels. It will enable ambitious climate action while fostering employment creation, and providing support for those affected by the shift, with attention to those in vulnerable situations.

Together, we can make a fair and inclusive transition.

Partner countries will formulate plans and design policy instruments based on national priorities. Actions will be supportive of commitments on the Paris Agreement, the Decent Work Agenda, and the Sustainable Development Goals. The ILO Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all were adopted by consensus by governments and employers’ and workers’ organizations and will provide the key reference in guiding technical support.

What are the country-level focus areas?

  • Job-centered policies for climate action: The initiative will support the creation of skills strategies and policies that match labor supply and demand. It will promote enterprise development and investment measures for green job creation.
  • Inclusive social protection policies: Social protection is crucial for climate change mitigation and adaptation. These policies will support ambitious climate action and make sure no one is left behind.
  • Social dialogue: A strong social consensus is crucial for transformative change. The initiative will strengthen mechanisms among governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, and other key stakeholders and avoid disruptions of the social fabric.
  • Research and knowledge: Country-specific assessments of the impacts of policy and investment scenarios will be conducted. This information will improve just transition policies and development outcomes.

How does the initiative provide country-level support?

  • Overarching framework interventions: The initiative can assist countries on overarching policy and planning instruments for a just transition that cut across policy fields and on mechanisms for social dialogue based on specific country contexts.
  • Sectoral and thematic policy interventions: The initiative can support countries to devise policy measures in different selected fields, according to country priorities.
  • Programmatic interventions: The initiative can assist countries in the design and the delivery of operational programmes and schemes, and facilitate linkages with financing mechanisms.

What does global support look like?

  • Advocacy and outreach: The initiative will drive change—on mindsets, lives, and the environment—at the national and international levels, finding and spreading shared messages and amplifying voices.
  • Capacity development: The initiative will support governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations as they develop their strategies to advance climate and decent work goals.
  • Global research, knowledge, and innovation: The initiative will generate and share knowledge and develop innovative solutions that can be brought to scale.


The governance structure of the initiative is comprised of the following: International Advisory Board, Donor Group, International Technical Group, National Steering Committees, Secretariat.

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News and Stories

Find out what is happening and hear the voices of those engaged in a just transition. The initiative amplifies important messages about decent work and a just transition as key drivers of climate action.

December 21, 2023

High-Level Opening: Just Transition Pathway – This Way to Social Justice

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ILO builds the capacity of social partners and stakeholders on Just Transition in Nigeria

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