Sector Selection and Rapid Market Assessment for Addressing Environmental Sustainability in Value Chain Development: Template for criteria and guiding questions

Value chain or market systems development (VCD/MSD) is an increasingly popular methodology for promoting growth and decent work. The approach also holds potential for analysing systemic constraints to environmental issues, particularly as they relate to growth, jobs, income, and other social issues. VCD/MSD that addresses environmental considerations can play a vital role in promoting sustainable enterprise development and a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies. This practical note provides a framework of guiding questions for conducting Rapid Market Assessments and for selecting sectors that, while advancing decent work objectives, aim to address one or more environmental objectives.


Environmental Sustainability in Value Chain and Market System Development for Decent Work: A Short Guide for Analysis and Intervention Design

Value chain or market systems development (VCD/MSD) is an increasingly popular methodology for promoting growth and decent work. The approach also holds potential for analysing systemic constraints to environmental issues, particularly as they relate to growth, jobs, income, and other social issues. VCD/MSD that addresses environmental considerations can play a vital role in promoting sustainable enterprise development and a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies. This guide provides some advice on how to incorporate environmental objectives in VCD/MSD analysis and intervention design. It suggests ways to frame environmental goals and their relation to other objectives, and it outlines entry points and examples on how one can go about it.


Green Business Booklet

This booklet helps aspiring entrepreneurs come up with a green business idea and instructs existing entrepreneurs on how to green their businesses.


How to measure and model social and employment outcomes of climate and sustainable development policies

This training guidebook should be used in national teaching institutions that will serve as regional-hubs supported by ILO and GAIN trainers. 


Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all

These guidelines serve as a policy framework and a practical tool to help countries manage the transition to low-carbon economies.